I did it again. July update was a wash, so here we are in August. I celebrated my 42nd trip around the sun. I am very grateful for those who thought of me, whether it was acknowledged or not. I find my age has me viewing things very differently, even if the Leo in me fights to keep power. Some fun personal updates are below. No movement on the Haiku a Day project as there is a new project in the works. Without further delay, here you are!

Magma Family Card Gaming: The storefront is continuing to move along. Magic has been a big part of me again and I have found a “local” shop to play at. There are videos that are recorded. The editing process is taking time as I decide what topics I want to cover.  You can find the YouTube link here.

Personal: My challenge to code for 30 days was successful. I learned a lot but also learned it was something that I wasn’t as passionate about. With that, writing has taken a front seat again, although in the form of a Dungeons and Dragons campaign for my son and some gaming buddies of mine. This has spilled over a little into personal writing and this blog post. I still have a whole novel (novella) to edit which might see more light.

Personal x2:  Hold up, another personal update??!? I had the opportunity to and attended Gencon 2024. The last one I was at was in 2012. The changes were pretty astounding. It is cool to see the event growing and allowing for so many opportunities for so many people. My highlight was the MagiKids panel, where I heard more about the charitable work they do. It is very encouraging to see these organizations grow and have the support they get!

Thank you again for all of your kind words and thoughts. I appreciate you all!
